Providing high quality communication
support for deaf people
Our Services
It aims to give help and advice on which type of support you need to book and what each job / role includes so that you can choose the right support for your needs.
What type of support do I need to book?
When booking support for a Deaf person, you need to think about what will be best for their own individual needs or preference.
Please also keep in mind that British Sign Language is very different to English. BSL has its own grammatical structure and you shouldn’t assume that a BSL user is also proficient in English.
Our Services
Things to remember when booking support
If a booking has ‘heavy’ content, 3 or more participants and is longer than an hour, you will most likely need to book more than 1 LSP / Interpreter. It may also be useful to book a Notetaker / Palantypist for certain bookings.
If booking on behalf of a Deaf person, ALWAYS ask the deaf person what support they need first, don’t assume.
Please give us as much information as possible about the booking and send any useful information in advance, e.g. agendas, Powerpoints, handouts.
What does deaf mean?
Deaf is a very wide, umbrella term to cover all different levels of deafness.
Every Deaf person is different, and Deaf people can have a wide range of BSL / Sign Supported English / lipreading skill.